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综合看点 时间:2023-10-10 20:54:53


  The best time for harmony between heaven, earth, and people!


  Abandoning war and welcoming peace, creating the universe and settling the world.


  Artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark elevates and descends into the sky city


  A report on living back and forth between heaven and earth, leading a naturally long and happy life


  Currently, the country and the United States launch satellites into space to form a space star chain or space station, powered by rockets. Calculate the satellite's celestial velocity and orbital height based on Newton's law and Kepler's law of mass and velocity. The disadvantage is that it is unsafe, not environmentally friendly, and highly reliant on energy.


  Wu Qingyun's "Artificial Celestial Octagonal Ark" regulates the relationship between centrifugal force and gravity, and is calculated based on Wu Qingyun's theorem and formula in the gravitational field. It fully utilizes natural forces to ascend and descend to various natural orbits for operation. And can create multiple artificial celestial bodies, and simultaneously adjust the lifting and lowering links to form an aerial city. Sky cities will operate in a naturally safe orbit like the moon in the gravitational field of Earth's rotation! If it exceeds the Earth's gravitational field, the operation method will be calculated separately.


  Therefore, the "Artificial Celestial Octagonal Ark" and the established aerial city allow people to reside for a long time, live a balanced and happy life between the universe and heaven through natural ups and downs, and the temperature and pressure of the climate and environment are very safe!


  Developing the formula for the "Artificial Celestial Body Octagonal Ark" theorem, the theoretical viewpoint is absolutely correct! Definitely able to develop and apply successfully!


  I hope everyone will carefully review and argue. If there are no objections, please provide all technical and financial support and assistance! And vigorously promote it to everyone! National strength and longevity!


  Let's work together and overtake on the curve. Adapt to the times, places, and people! Create the great cause of humanity! For the benefit of the world and humanity!


  Limited life, create unlimited career!


  Create conditions and establish a grand power!


  Wenzhou Wu Qingyun sincerely expresses his hope for guidance and support. Thank you!


The octagonal ark


Won the gold medal of the Russian Archimedes Invention Award


Develop artificial objects


Transfer war risks


Explore the future of the universe for the benefit of mankind


Abandon war to welcome peace


Tree love wins morality


People's unity and initiative


The world fugui Xi Kang


Development of artificial celestial bodies,the formation of the air city


The moon also orbits around the Earth's natural orbit


Human heaven and earth back and forth live natural long and happy life


Wu Qingyun,director of China Science and Technology Industry Association,the development and application of"Artificial celestial Body octagonal Ark"won the gold medal of Russian Archimedes Invention Award!Macau International Invention Award Gold Award!


Development and application of the third type of artificial celestial body



Artificial celestial body octagonal ark"with 2 people,4 people,6 people weight three grade development.In the same way as building blocks,easy to carry and assemble applications!When the artificial celestial body develops to the first(perfect)type,can be more than 6 people artificial celestial body multiple rise and fall connected together,is the air city!It will lead the vast number of human beings to explore the depths of the universe,live a natural


(2 people with octagonal ark)


Development and production of 2 people per unit weight is more appropriate.In the future,two couples can explore space,and successfully produce the Internet of Things,6G,air interstellar alliance.Such artificial celestial body octagonal ark in the universe roam navigation,rely on each other do not lose direction!


(4 people octagonal Ark)


With the development and application of 4 people,convenient for the future family sky earth both sky tourism into one,popular consciousness applicability is strong!


(6 people octagonal Ark)


The development and application of the 6-person octagonal ark is a relatively developing application system engineering,which is to create conditions for the tenth perfect type of the"artificial world octagonal ark"!Because in the future,the establishment of more than 6 people octagonal ark lifting link into the air city.Play a good energy reception,three-state balance environment life favorable foundation!


(octagonal ark with more than 6 people)


The octagonal ark of many people is realized according to the scientific development,and we must explore it step by step together,and gradually improve it!When you enter the tenth perfect type,you can form an air city.Human beings can be in the space of long-term collective activities,live a long and happy immortal life!


The above my opinion for the public reference,improper place hope you guidance correction,exploration of the best,effective admission,development and application.


  Schematic diagram of the third type of artificial objects


 Development and application blueprint of octagonal Ark in Wenzhou(constant lifting method of body variables)


  The octagonal Ark of artificial celestial bodies


  The third type of lifting design drawing:


Artificial celestial body octagonal ark lifting principle,the internal and external air pressure difference lifting method:


  Development plan and program of artificial celestial body octagonal ark



  Wenzhou Donghai New City Development Zone,the development plan is to first arrange 600 mu of"artificial celestial body octagonal ark"production,assembly base


  Six major workshops


  The Base is divided into carbon fiber production and synthesis workshop


  Solar thin-film power generation and shape-setting workshop


  Special material cutting production sewing workshop


  Atmospheric air and oxygen clothing and application workshop


  octagonal ark setting assembly test workshop


  The Internet of Things 6G navigation interstellar joint workshop



  Ouhai district of Wenzhou city,blowing taishan tripod,the octagonal ark lifting application base and the world universe science development experimental institute.


  Five research institutes


  Earth Transportation Base Research Institute


  Ground and Air Tourism Base Research Institute


  Tourism and Entertainment Base Research Institute


  The Faith Discovery Base Research Institute


  Melon and fruit cultivation base research institute



  Founding Belt and Road is one universe


  Datong has faith in life,Kang Shoufu!


  Hard work,love and morality,


  With prosperity and with prosperity.


  Free longevity and happiness,


  Explore building faith!


Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping,Premier Li Qiang,a scientific and technological power,the support and cooperation of the United Nations and the Party and government leaders of all countries need to establish collective projects and funding.The school factory joint scientific research,the general public support sponsorship and cooperation.The plan requires everyone to invest the start-up capital to start the plan application.Because the subject is a grand and advanced universe science application system engineering,need the party and government leadership support!Need to backdoor listing,need everyone's wisdom and strength,cooperation and efforts together!Need for scientific research institutes to carefully review and demonstrate!Need the public:


  Guidance and support can only be successful!


  Thank you all for your active participation!


  Success as soon as possible!


  Build as soon as possible!


  Human longevity!


  Human happiness!


  Wu Qingyun,director of China Science and Technology Industry Association,won the gold medal of the 26th Russian Archimedes International Invention Award this year!Macau International Invention Award Gold Award!


Winning the two gold awards explains the development and application of"artificial celestial body octagonal ark",the theorem formula and plan scheme have been recognized and supported by the international scientific research community!


In order to attract the early domestic and foreign public attention and support!Has already applied for a new view of celestial operation


Copyright certificate and expert think tank appointment letter


Think tank expert letter of appointment


Letter of appointment of China Science and Technology Industry Association


Artificial objects are in orbit


Theorem formula theoretical basis


Theorem:The rotation of the Earth causes the gravity viscosity of a specific gravity mass object to be exactly equal to their mutual gravity,which can produce an orbit.The height of the orbit is directly proportional to the mass of the object.This mass object is also proportional to the relative speed of the earth's rotation and its height.






(A)The formula by the momentum of the rotating body(force body)M is equal to the momentum of the running body(force body)m.The centrifugal force produced by the rotation body is equal to their mutual attraction.


(B)After the mass of m is determined in the formula,V can be eliminated and the track height R can be obtained.Or eliminate R and get V.M is the fixed value.


(C)W and V in the orbit are simultaneous variables,so the change of m value also follows the change of the orbit height R.


(D)The gravitational viscosity generated in the earth's gravitational field should be obtained according to the relationship between the moon's orbit around the earth.It can also be found in aircraft,spacecraft,in aerodynamic experiments.Precision is precise based on the development of science.


The moon is according to the theorem and formula in the earth's gravitational field,relying on the action of gravitational viscosity,the moon surface in the earth's gravity induced situation,in the natural orbit!


  The lunar orbit map is measured as follows:


  Two methods of lifting and lowering of artificial celestial body octagonal ark


(1)Gradually gas gas increase and decrease method:


Like the principle of floating and sinking of submarine,the volume is fixed,outward pumping or air intake,forming the air pressure difference inside and outside,the air principle of floating and sinking,the artificial celestial object in the earth's atmosphere,can make the octagonal ark safely into a specific orbit.This lifting method speed is slow,the lifting force is not large.


(2)The body variable does not change:(the above diagram)


A fully enclosed volume octagonal ark,divided into three levels of space,both sealed warehouse,guard warehouse,adjust the warehouse.With the volume of the elastic sealing film of the adjustment chamber space,the body variable can be generated unchanged,and the internal and external air pressure difference can be quickly formed,and the octagonal ark can be quickly sent into the natural specific running track!


  Type of development of artificial celestial bodies developed in space

(1)十全十美型:科学发展而发展,技术革新而形成,可以向无限宇宙无人区翱翔!(1)Perfect model:scientific development and development,technological innovation and formation,can soar to the infinite universe no man's land!

(2)一般生活型:人类天地间來回居住,来回生活。过长寿自由幸福生活!(2)General life type:human beings live back and forth between heaven and earth,and live back and forth.Live a long,free and happy life!

(3)初级实验型:目前我们对太空不十分了解,先建一个八角方舟房子型,使人类升降来回在运行轨道中体验生活,积累经验,以后逐步研制十全十美型宇宙中房子,多个房子升降连接就能形成空中城市而打下基础。目前《人造天体八角方舟》研制和应用属第三类型。(3)Primary experimental type:At present,we do not know much about space.First,build an octagonal ark house,so that human beings can rise and experience life and accumulate experience,and in the future,multiple houses can form an air city and lay a foundation.At present,the development and application of artificial celestial octagonal Ark belong to the third type.

(4)环境变化逃生型:《猜想》宇宙中各星体在各自轨道中快速运动,如果某一星球受外力影响,快速行驶接近我们地球,我们地球磁场受到干扰,地球惯性力产生突变,地球水平面70%海水失去惯性作用,形成海水倒灌,此时八角方舟可作上帝的方舟逃生之用!(4)environment change escape type:"guess"the stars in the universe fast movement in their orbit,if a planet affected by external force,fast driving close to our earth,our earth magnetic interference,earth inertial force mutation,70%of the earth level of sea inertia,form seawater backward,octagonal ark can be used for god's ark to escape!


Air building technology is mature,the conditions have,more benefits!

(1)碳纤维材料合成,解决人造天体结构轻而固。(1)Synthesis of carbon fiber materials to solve the structure of artificial celestial bodies light and solid.

(2)太阳能薄膜发电,使人造天体密封仓内空气温度可调节,人类天地间居住来回生活安全有保证。(2)Solar film power generation,so that the air temperature in the sealed chamber can be adjusted,and the safety of human living back and forth is guaranteed.

(3)密封仓内生态三态平衡可养鸡种瓜果粮食,使人类天地中可长久居住生活,北大学生在密封仓里成功生活了370天。(3)The ecological three-state balance in the sealed warehouse can raise chickens,fruits and grain,so that the human world can live for a long time.Peking University students successfully lived in the sealed warehouse for 370 days.

(4)量子通信,卫星定位,中国北斗异航组网成功,空天运行不失方向!(4)Quantum communication,satellite positioning,China's Beidou different navigation network success,space operation without losing direction!

(5)人造天体可以将自然力结合意识力送卫星上天进轨道运行,省力省能源无垃圾,也可组建空天物联网星际联。(5)Artificial celestial bodies can send natural forces combined with consciousness to the satellite into orbit,saving energy and no garbage,and can also form the Internet of air and space.

(6)八角方舟也可作大气层交通运输工具,因地球的自转,八角方舟如果在大气层中国一升一降,就能自然到法国或美国等世界各地。这就应验了中国毛泽东主席的“坐地日行八万里"诗词预言,大家想想有没有道理?这比坐飞机安全!(6)The octagonal ark can also be used as a means of atmospheric transportation.Due to the rotation of the earth,if the octagonal ark is China,it can naturally go to France or the United States and other parts of the world.This fulfilled the Chinese chairman MAO Zedong's"sitting on the ground to travel eighty thousand miles"poetry prediction,we think about it is reasonable?That's safer than flying!

(7)可能?现在人类在地球上生命暂短,离开地球后,在低温低压情况下,新陈代谢放慢,元素细胞改组,可能会增加人类寿命。(中国古话说,天上一天,地上一年可以试试)  (7)Possible?Now the human life on the earth is temporarily short.After leaving the earth,in the case of low temperature and low pressure,the metabolism slows down,and the element cells are reorganized,which may increase the human life span.

(As the old Chinese saying goes,you can try it in a day and a year.)

(8)科学的发展,如果人造天体进入十全十美境界时,将各宇宙中房子升降链接一起,形成宇宙中城市,人类直至永恒生活在宇宙中…(8)In the development of science,if artificial celestial bodies enter the perfect realm,the houses rise and fall in the universe together to form the cities in the universe,and human beings live in the universe forever.


The new view theorem and formula of celestial operation are absolutely correct.So artificial satellites,spaceships,space shuttles,are all powered by fuel to run the thrust.Satellite,spacecraft,space shuttle,sent into space,powered by fuel has the following disadvantages:

(1)对能源的依赖性:万一地球能源紧缺就无法升空。The new view theorem and formula of celestial operation are absolutely correct.So artificial satellites,spaceships,space shuttles,are all powered by fuel to run the thrust.Satellite,spacecraft,space shuttle,sent into space,powered by fuel has the following disadvantages:

(2)危险性:以燃料为动力,是快速推进,将运行体如卫星,飞船,航天飞机送岀大气层。这样会和大气层中空气产生摩擦而发生热能,容易会产生燃烧高温等危险?(2)danger:with fuel as the power,is a rapid advance,the operation body such as satellites,spacecraft,space shuttle sent to the atmosphere.This will produce friction with the air in the atmosphere and heat energy,easy to produce combustion high temperature and other dangers?

(3)不环保:燃料为动力,对大气层带来空气污染。火箭碎片能产生太空垃圾。(3)Not environmental protection:fuel as the power,bring air pollution to the atmosphere.Rocket debris produces space junk.


Artificial celestial body octagonal ark is based on the air floating principle of the earth's atmosphere,relying on the internal and external air pressure difference,like the submarine floating principle,natural safety rise and fall in their respective orbit!If after the atmosphere,to scientific development and exploration.Make full use of dark energy,such as the use of solar energy,electric energy,magnetic energy to the run of the initiative,travel in space!


The law of cosmic science activity


At present,human beings in the real life of the universe are based on the concepts of sex,pole,class,level,shape,quality,etc.,and so on,with natural energy and mutual level transmission.


The origin and structure of the universe,the current level of human science is unable to confirm that the disaster or expansion said!Because the universe is infinite,and life is finite.


People can only understand the surface structure of the earth,can only understand the parasitic relationship of various bacteria that can be seen by the microscope,that is,the more developed the science,the more they understand their causes!


The earth operates in the universe,its running force is a universe in the human has found or not to find a huge energy object:such as the sun through the different energy transfer heat energy(light energy,magnetic energy)transmitted to our earth,so that the earth constantly along the sun's natural orbit and law to move,changing.


Scale theory:if our corresponding central body of the sun is accelerating movement,then the ball where we live in the universe,the earth's cosmic orbit should be a bulge theory,that is,the earth will be farther and farther away from the central point of the sun.


Disaster theory:if the corresponding object of the center of the sun to slow down motion,the earth in the cosmic orbit of the contraction movement,the earth will be more and more closer to the center of the sun,the earth is in the universe is disaster theory.That is,the earth will hit the sun and explode at a certain moment!So reasoning silver heart huo and so on!


  Theorem nd law:


  Strong and weak change the state,positive and negative change the direction.


  Time changes the space,and the temperature changes the rise and fall.


  Morality changes humanity,and inspiration changes the future.


  Abandon war for peace,human world live!


  Huixin home sillei National Garden


  (National Garden-cosmic Earth States)


  Universe Hong Bo,tree line Yinuo.


  Xin Cong founded,Fu GUI kang shou!


 Above theorems and laws,development and application of other theories.I hope you will review the demonstration and put forward your opinions and suggestions.


Because the development and application of"artificial celestial body octagonal ark"is ahead of the grand systematic universe application engineering!Must with collective wisdom and strength,concerted efforts,joint efforts and cooperation,in order to achieve the great initiative...human universe back and forth to live,natural longevity happy life!




  The Party and the government,scientific research institutes,the United Nations,and the people.


  Lu Yongxiang,president of China Science and Technology Industry Association,reviewed and demonstrated the effectiveness of the plan.


  China Science and Technology Industry Association Wenzhou Wu Qingyun director sincerely on


  Thank you for your guidance and suggestion and support!


  Looking forward to your reply and sponsorship cooperation!


  Not a dream of becoming a space power,


  It's the longevity of the universe.


  Life is limited,struggle and innovation is boundless,


  Work together to make early achievements.


  Heaven and earth back and forth to live in longevity and happiness Kangxi!


  On May 28,2023

  Wu Qingyun sincerely expressed his hope for guidance and support.Thank you!


  Scan:open the following QR code,


  Search:"New View on the Operation of the celestial body"


  Design diagram,lifting principle.


  Theorem formula,planning scheme.

